But u parmezanskoj košuljici ☆ Pork sirloin in Parmesan shirt
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☆ This pork sirloin wears the juicy Parmesan cheese “shirt” that gives it a flavorful tenderness. ☆ |
Kad kada, za nedjeljni ručak, pripremam svinjski but. Nismo pretjerani ljubitelji svinjetine, no but je prilično dobar izbor. Najčešće ga jednostavno ispečem u pećnici. Uz dodatak restanog krumpira i sa salatom od crvenog zelja čini dobar obrok. No, za promjenu sam but pripremila na nešto drugačiji način i bili smo više nego zadovoljni!
For this recipe in English scroll down!
Porcija: 4
Gotovo za: 40 min
Složenost: lako
Priprema: 10 min
Pečenje: 30 min
250 ml vrhnja
20 - 25 g (4 žlice) sira ribanca ili ribanog parmezana
2 komada svinjskog buta – ukupno 800 g - 1000 g
7 g (2 žlice) ružmarina i timijana, pomiješanih sušenih začina
60 ml (4 žlice) maslinovog ulja
Morska sol
2. S mesa odstraniti vidljivu masnoću, zatim uvaljati u mješavinu začina i pržiti sa svih strana na maslinovom ulju na srednje jakom plamenu oko 15 minuta (svaku stranu oko 5 minuta). Posoliti.
3. Svinjski but narezati na ploške debljine 1,5 cm, posložiti u posudu za pečenje i preliti sa mješavinom parmezana i vrhnja tako da svaki komad bude pokriven. Peči u pećnici na 210°C oko 15 minuta ili dok ne bude pečeno.
4. Pečenje izvaditi na poslužavnik, a umak od pečenja dobro promiješati metlicom za snijeg. Veći dio umaka preliti preko mesa, a ostatak umiješati u kuhani krumpir lagano usitnjen viljuškom i poslužiti kao prilog.
Preparation time: 20 min
Cooking time: 30 min
Total time: 55 min
Serves: 4
Level: easy
2 pieces pork sirloin – 800-1000 g
2 tbs rosemary and thyme, mixed
4 tbs olive oil
250 ml cream
4 tbs grated Parmesan cheese
1. Remove all the visible fat from the meat. Put the rosemary and thyme mixture into the large plate and press one side of the meat into the mixture to cover in herbs.
2. Fry the meat in hot olive oil on a medium-high heat for 5 minutes. Turn the pieces and cook for another 5 minutes. Season with salt. Repeat the same process with the other 2 sides of the meat, seasoning with salt. After 15 minutes in total, remove from the heat.
3. Add the cream to the Parmesan cheese and stir, until well mixed.
4. Slice the pork sirloin into 1.5 cm thick slices. Place the slices onto the cooking tray, pour the Parmesan sauce over meat, covering every slice. Bake in the oven at 210°C for 15 minutes or until done.
5. Place the meat on the serving plate, whisk the dripping sauce until smooth. Pour the better amount of the sauce over the meat, mix the rest with boiled potatoes, mash them with a fork and serve.
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Pork sirloin in Parmesan shirt
Preparation time: 20 min
Cooking time: 30 min
Total time: 55 min
Serves: 4
Level: easy
2 pieces pork sirloin – 800-1000 g
2 tbs rosemary and thyme, mixed
4 tbs olive oil
250 ml cream
4 tbs grated Parmesan cheese
1. Remove all the visible fat from the meat. Put the rosemary and thyme mixture into the large plate and press one side of the meat into the mixture to cover in herbs.
2. Fry the meat in hot olive oil on a medium-high heat for 5 minutes. Turn the pieces and cook for another 5 minutes. Season with salt. Repeat the same process with the other 2 sides of the meat, seasoning with salt. After 15 minutes in total, remove from the heat.
3. Add the cream to the Parmesan cheese and stir, until well mixed.
4. Slice the pork sirloin into 1.5 cm thick slices. Place the slices onto the cooking tray, pour the Parmesan sauce over meat, covering every slice. Bake in the oven at 210°C for 15 minutes or until done.
5. Place the meat on the serving plate, whisk the dripping sauce until smooth. Pour the better amount of the sauce over the meat, mix the rest with boiled potatoes, mash them with a fork and serve.
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